
Mediation is a private out of court dispute resolution process. Two or more parties agree to submit the dispute arising between them to mediation. A neutral mediator or co-mediators apply a facilitative or evaluative approach to assist the parties identify, clarify and narrow the issues in dispute. The mediator also helps parties negotiate and self-determine any resolution to the whole or part of the dispute. Mediation is conducted using agreed procedures, within set time-frames, and is private and confidential so far as the law allows.

In the facilitative approach, the mediator does not give advice or determine who is legally right or wrong. Whereas in the evaluative approach, the mediator (provided he or she has the requisite qualifications, experience and prior written consent of the parties) advises parties as to the strengths and weaknesses of each party’s case, possible outcomes if the matter proceeds further and proposes possible settlement scenarios. An evaluative mediator may appraise who is legally right or wrong, but their appraisal is not binding.

Many agreements contain mediation clauses which require parties to engage in mediation before commencing legal proceedings. In the recent raft of legislative reforms, disputants are now required to show courts, prior to commencing legal proceedings, that they have considered and, where appropriate, participated in reasonable pre-litigation dispute resolution processes such as mediation.

If proceedings have commenced, courts can refer any civil proceedings to court-annexed mediation, if it considers the circumstances appropriate, and if this occurs parties must participate in good faith.

For further information as to the types of matters Troy has been appointed to mediate please see: Mediation (Since 2001).

Do you need to update your dispute resolution clauses?

Many commercial agreements include dispute resolution clauses which provide for the President of certain organisations to nominate an expert (or read more

Refusal to sign expert’s retainer agreement will not derail Expert Determination process

When an expert is appointed to prepare a determination or a mediator is appointed to mediate a dispute, a retainer read more

Revised National Mediator Accreditation System (NMAS)

The revised National Mediator Accreditation System (NMAS) came into effect on 1 July 2015. It was revised by the Mediator read more

Alleging bias against an expert? People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

There are many reasons why parties provide for the determination of an issue by an independent expert. They usually come read more

Blended mediation: Using facilitative and evaluative approaches to commercial disputes (2012) 23 ADRJ 26

My paper titled Blended mediation: Using facilitative and evaluative approaches to commercial disputes appears in the February 2012 edition of read more

The wait and see approach to dispute resolution

The NSW Attorney General, Greg Smith SC, announced on Tuesday, 23 August 2011, that the Government will postpone the introduction read more

Litigation reform: quo vadis?

The litigation game is about to be shaken up. New legislative reforms by the Federal government will change the way read more

Mediation (Since 2001)

Troy Peisley is experienced in both facilitative and evaluative models of mediation. Since 2001, Troy has mediated over 300 commercial read more

Why relationships break down

Every relationship is built around honesty and trust. If someone in that relationship is concerned that has been breached by another, they will try read more